To change your account password (used to login to mySNC, Gmail, Knightline) or to set it for the first time, visit the following web page and follow the prompts:
All passwords must meet the following requirements:
- Length of at least 15 characters (maximum 127)
- Contain at least 3 of the following 4 categories:
- Uppercase letters (A-Z)
- Lowercase letters (a-z)
- Numbers (0-9)
- Special characters (!, #, %, SPACE)
- Cannot contain your first name, last name, or login ID.
- Cannot contain certain common words. For security purposes, we can't provide the actual list of unacceptable words, but it includes words like: password, football, packers, knights, etc.
- Cannot contain certain common numeric sequences like repeated numbers (11, 22, etc) and sequential numbers (123, 789, etc).
Social Security Number
If prompted, enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
Nine-digit ID number
If you don't know your nine-digit ID number, this article will help:
Reset Google 2-Step Verification Settings?
If you select "yes", all 2-Step Verification methods will be deleted. This is only applicable to accounts that do NOT use Okta for logging into Gmail.
If you attempt to change your password and get an error (i.e. error code 53), that simply means that the password you entered does not meet the above requirements. Double check the length, make sure it doesn't contain any part of your name, and make sure it includes 3 of the above 4 categories of characters.
If you still get the same error, please check it again. For example, if your name is "Lee", and you attempt to change your password to "sleeplessinSeatt1e", that won't work because the password contains the letters "lee". Note also that it cannot contain common words (as described above). This can be difficult to troubleshoot because we cannot provide the actual list of unacceptable words. But look at the password you entered and change any common words (i.e. just change the spelling).
And if you still need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk.
Test It
To test your new password, simply visit the Okta Dashboard and login with your SNC email address and your new password.
Common Problem
We frequently hear of users who say that they enter their correct password while logging into Gmail (or other resources), but it still doesn't accept it. This problem can occur if you have saved your password in your browser or if you're using a password manager. Sometimes that tool is simply entering the wrong password. So, be sure that you are manually entering the correct password yourself, and not allowing another utility to change your entry.
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