Google Workspace
St. Norbert College uses Google Workspace to manage functions like Gmail, Calendar, and Drive. As an education customer, we have an apportioned space for storage of emails, attachments, files, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. Access to these tools is via your email address and SNC password.
Canvas is SNC’s Learning Management System, an online collaboration space where students and professors interact. Professors create assignments and assessments, share documents, and hold discussions. Students can also use Canvas to collaborate with classmates. If your professor uses Canvas, you can check your grades, get access to materials, and turn in assignments. Access Canvas using your SNC email address along with your password.
Workday is SNC's solution to Human Capital Management (HCM), Budgeting (Adaptive Planning) and Finance. This means that Workday can provide access to functions like time sheets and pay checks. Access to Workday is gained by entering your SNC email address along with your password.
SNC Website
Campus users are able to access certain restricted content areas on the St. Norbert College website. Access to these areas is gained by entering your six-letter login ID and SNC password.
Printing functions are available to all students (including the Medical College of Wisconsin) via the web site. Enter your six-letter login ID and password when prompted. Most staff and faculty are also able to print via the traditional "File > Print" option.
KnightLine is our enterprise system that provides access to functions like course registration, financial aid, and billing. Access to KnightLine is gained by entering your SNC email address along with your SNC password.
Users can set their initial password or change their current password for all of the above functions at any time (even after it has expired) from our Computer Account Management page.
All students are assigned an account by the Admission office when they make their first tuition deposit before the beginning of their freshman year (or before transferring to SNC). At that time, their St. Norbert College email account is activated, and they can start sending and receiving email using the new account. Upon graduation, all student accounts are converted to alumni accounts.
Accounts are created for St. Norbert College faculty and staff upon entry of their employment data into our tracking system. Once the record is activated by Human Resources, the email account is available for use within an hour. This typically happens on the employee's first day of work.
Supervisors who hire an employee (or change their status, etc) should do this with the Human Resources office.
As an alum of the college, your SNC Google account will remain active for 6 months following your graduation date. This includes email, calendar, drive, etc. Google has an article that explains how to migrate your data using If you do not migrate your data before the end of those 6 months, it will be deleted.
Upon retirement, faculty and staff accounts automatically transition to retiree accounts. Retirees may keep their Google Workspace account for as long as they like, but it must remain active. Once a retiree account is inactive (no password changes for six months) it is disabled. Retirees who have non-technical questions about the status of their account may contact the office of Human Resources.
If a retiree decides they no longer need their SNC account, they can submit a request to the ITS Service Desk to have it immediately disabled.
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