Using rubrics is important because they provide clear and transparent criteria for evaluating assignments, fostering consistency and fairness in grading. Additionally, rubrics offer students a roadmap for success, helping them understand expectations and improve their performance through constructive feedback. You can add a rubric to an assignment in Canvas by using the following steps:
Navigate to the course and the assignment you would like to add a rubric to.
Click in "+Rubric":
The default title of the rubric will be called "Some Rubric". You will want to update the name of the rubric. Simply click in the box to edit.
To edit the Criteria or the point values, click on the "pencil" icon.
To add more levels of ratings, click on the blue plus button.
To add another set of criterion, click on the "+Criterion" button.
(1) Checking this box will remove the point value ratings and instead give an open ended comment box.
(2) Removes the point values from the rating section.
(3) Disregard this option- it is not currently a feature we support.
(4) Checking this box will automatically populate the grade for the assignment.
(5) Students can see the point values for each criterion, but the total score will not be shown at the bottom of the rubric.
When you are ready to save, click on "Create Rubric".
You will see your rubric within the assignment details as follows:
The students will see the assignment and rubric details as follows:
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