For each Core Curriculum course taught at SNC, information is collected on how and where our students are exposed to our College Wide Learning Outcomes (CWLO), as well as whether they meet, partially meet, or do not meet them. Canvas makes it easier to complete these assessments directly within the course that they are taught. Additional instructions for Core Curriculum Assessment can be found here, however please use the directions below for setting up your Canvas course and assessing your students.
[optional] Hide the Learning Mastery Gradebook:
To hide the Learning Mastery Gradebook, so students will not be able to see results of outcomes-based assessments, in the left navigation bar click on: Settings → Feature Option → Student Learning Mastery Gradebook → disable.
Create an assignment:
- Click on the Assignments link in the left navigation
- Click on the +Assignment button in the upper right corner (if you do not see the text editor you may need to click on the More button)
- Name the Assignment (Recommended Name: “CWLO: Name of Outcome”, ex: “CWLO: 1 - Think Critically”)
- Description: This is optional, but you may want to include a description that would be helpful to your students. Here are a few examples:
Example 1:
No submission required. Does not count towards final grade.
Example 2:
Every course in the core curriculum is required to report on two College Wide Learning Outcomes (CWLO). This assessment does not count towards your final grade. This assignment records the assessment for CWLO “Name the CWLO being assessed”.
- Change the assignment settings to match the following:
- Points: 0
Assignment Group: Click on Assignments and select [Create Group]
- Type in “College Wide Learning Outcomes - No submission required” and click Add Group
Display Grade as: Complete/Incomplete
- Check the box, “Do not count this assignment towards the final grade”
- Submission Type: No Submission
- Group Assignment: leave unchecked
- Peer Reviews: leave unchecked
- Assign: Leave the default setting to “Assign to Everyone”.
- Due Date: Leave blank.
- Click Save & Publish button. ** Note, the assignment needs to be PUBLISHED in order to assess it later on.
Add a rubric to the assignment:
- When viewing the assignment, click on the +Rubric button at the bottom of the assignment.
- Click the 🔍Find a Rubric button.
- Click St. Norbert College → Select the CWLO being assessed, scroll all the way down and click the Use This Rubric button.
Repeat steps 1-9 for the second CWLO that you will be assessing (Note, in step 5.b., you will now select the “College Wide Learning Outcomes Group that you created.)
[optional] Hide Outcomes Assignment Grades
By following these steps, your assessment of the outcomes will be hidden from students and they will not receive notifications of your assessment.
- Click on Grades in the left navigation.
- Scroll to find the Outcomes assignment and click on the 3 dots next to the assignment name.
- Click on Grade Posting Policy
- Select Manually
- Click Save
Evaluate your students progress on the College Wide Learning Outcomes:
- When you are ready to assess the College Wide Learning Outcomes, open the assignment which is tied to your first outcome and click on SpeedGrader in the upper right corner.
- Click on the View Rubric button.
- Adjust your left pane of the window, dragging the divider to the left, to allow for more of your rubric to be visible.
- Select a rating for each of the CWLO indicators by clicking on the rating box within the rubric and click Save. (Note that feedback can be provided for each individual indicator, as well as overall feedback. This is all optional, however if you make overall comments you need to click the Submit button for those comments to stick.)
- Select Complete from the pull-down menu towards the top-left part of the window.
- Navigate to the next student in the upper right hand corner to continue grading and follow steps 2-5 for each student.
- Repeat these steps for the second CWLO you will be evaluating.
For additional details on Grading with a rubric using Speedgrader view this article.
You are finished evaluating College Wide Learning Outcomes for your course. You can view the overall results of your students by clicking on Grades in the side navigation and then clicking on the Gradebook drop-down menu and selecting Learning Mastery Gradebook.
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